Olathe Robbery Lawyer
What Is Robbery?
Theft crimes that are committed directly against another person are among the more serious theft allegations. While robbery does involve the deliberate and willful taking of another's property, it must also include at least one of the following factors.
Robbery Involves:
- Property was taken from a person or from their immediate presence, or
- Force or the threat of bodily harm was used
Standard robbery charges will result in a severity 5, person felony in Kansas. The maximum prison sentence is just over 11 years.
What Is Aggravated Robbery?
When robbery is committed by a person using a dangerous weapon or when it results in bodily harm to a victim, aggravated robbery charges will be prosecuted. As a severity level 3, person felony, aggravated robbery is extremely serious - maximum terms of imprisonment can be as high as 20 years.
Why You Need An Attorney
As robbery charges are the most serious and harshly punished theft crimes, they require immediate attention from a knowledgeable Olathe robbery attorney from our firm. Although these charges may seem severe, a skilled lawyer who specializes in theft crime defense can effectively craft defense plans that work toward fully dismissing charges or greatly reducing them to offenses that pose less severe penalties.
Contact Garretson & Toth, LLC to set up a consultation with our robbery lawyer in Olathe.
What Is the Difference Between Robbery and Burglary?
While robbery and burglary charges are often considered the same, these crimes are classified as separate offenses with differing elements. Robbery involves taking property directly from another party and there is an element or use of violence while perpetrating the offense. While burglary involves entering a property illegally with the intent to steal or commit another crime. Robbery is considered a more serious charge with more severe penalties.
Learn More about Your Case
It cannot be stressed enough that robbery allegations are rife with unique circumstances and factors that can influence the entire prosecution and defense of a case. As such, it is strongly advised that our Olathe criminal lawyer is contacted as soon as possible. Our firm knows that an immediate response to clients can greatly improve their chances of beating allegations. This is why we make ourselves easily available and meet with clients on the same day that they reach out to us. We are also willing to travel to any of the local Kansas jails, or to a location more convenient to the client.
If you would like to discuss your Johnson County robbery case, contact our robbery attorneys in Olathe at (913) 971-0296 today.